Teens Teach Tech

Greetings Tech-ers!
It's been a pretty hot summer already, with many of us practically baking just to spend a few minutes outside each day. Still, summer is a time for adventure, opportunity, and a whole lot of fun! That's where the Summer Showdown excels!

Across the nation, Teens Teach Tech teams are bringing their own kind of heat to the board, and it's impressive. Currently, there are twenty-four teams spread across ten states, all actively working in their communities to improve digital literacy. Teams of two or more teens are helping adults of all ages learn how to navigate the internet, troubleshoot computer issues, safely use the world wide web, and get their insanely loud phone alarms to stop blaring at them at 3am every morning!  These kids are not only earning community services hours that benefit their future goals for college, military service, and club participation, they are learning what it means to be a teacher. Leaders are rising, lives are being changed, and all of it is because of people like you - mentors who make a difference simply by standing up and saying, "Yes, I will lead a group of teens in my community to make a difference."

The Summer Showdown is a highly competitive segment of our Teens Teach Tech program and more information about it can be found on our Insta HERE.

Starting September 1, 2023, Teens Teach Tech will start our school-focused 'Falling for Digital Literacy,' but we will touch more on that in next month's letter, so stay tuned!

Right now is the perfect time to get involved. We are still taking applications, and would love to add you to our Teens Teach Tech family! Please click HERE to send a general inquiry and we can get to chatting about your next steps.

Stay hydrated & enjoy this exciting time of year!

Family, children and community are at the intersection of my joy! My lifelong love of serving others, particularly in under-resourced communities is what has kept me on this journey for over 25 years. I have worked with people of all ages from birth to senior citizens and my latest work with intergenerational community technology gives me an exciting opportunity to connect youth and older adults together in a circle of mutual support. My work to address digital inequity in divested neighborhoods will serve as the catalyst to help improve the lives of others.

A note from the Connected Nation Teens Teach Tech team - The nTechQuity Texperts team is taking a unique approach of connecting teens with older adults for recurring meetings where the teens share technology expertise, the adults share life wisdom, and the experience benefits and strengthens the community sense of belonging.

Check out some additional resources:

PODCASTFrom Baby Boomers to Gen Z: How teens are using their tech skills to help older adults

BLOG: The Digital Divide at home: How Connected Nation helps bridge the gap in digital literacy by encouraging teens to share their tech skills

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

All the best,
Your friends at Teens Teach Tech



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Connect with us today to be a part of a dynamic journey that bridges generations and transforms lives. Whether you're a senior eager to embrace technology or a youth seeking invaluable life insights, our community welcomes you. Let's create a tapestry of knowledge and connectivity together.